
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Gut Check Time

Sorry for the American sports metaphor, but I seems to fit here. We like to say that late in a game or a contest, it is time to check your gut (your reserve, your fortitude) to see if you will prevail during the most crucial time of the event. It is the time when it might be easy to give in, let things go, just give up. It is the time to decide to be a participant in a losing battle, or to be a hero/heroine in heroic effort. It isn't easy or everyone would be heroes. We call it a gut check because you have to reach way down to your soul and pull that last bit up that will make all the difference. I believe we are at that point in the academy.
It is easy in the beginning - emotions and camaraderie are high, newness brings its own energy. We met, we worked together, laughed and considered things other think are ridiculous - we shared things few people can appreciate. Not all of came away from the initial experience with the same things, and I am sad to say a few might have missed them completely - but most of us felt that bond strongly, and I think we all want to continue to build upon it. The best proof of that is the number of people who have become involved from the outside of the group! This academy is so special, I hope most of you realize it.
So, these next few months will tell the story - whether we came together to continue the legacy of our efforts, or if we just let it go. The academy might have been "mine" a long time ago, but it quickly became "ours." I want this to succeed desperately, even if I cannot continue for some reason - the academy would then be "yours" all its pride, respect, and responsibilities - it should be independent like that to reach the goals we all considered a few months ago.
For now, I pledge this - I will do a better job responding to your input, will not sleep each day until I have responded to my academy duties. We have started some smaller teams and I hope everyone gets involved with committees. We are at the point when we can be selfish (by keeping this short experience for ourselves), or we can give this gift to the rest of the world. To do so will take a lot of commitment - are you ready for this gut check? I am!


  1. I am ready to to give the gift to the rest of the world! & I will inshallah

  2. My dear professor I am with you ...and we truly appreciate the time you spent with us in this academy & your amazing ability to create such grate dream " THE ACADEMY" & we wil forever be grateful to you for your care , compassion,understanding& support during all those months .....thank you for your words of comfort & encouragement& for making it possible for us to gather with each other& to seek help without any worry about work responsibilities . you have such an exemplary &kind heart & we can't thank you enough for all you did & continue to do to reach the goals we all considered a few months ago. HOW PROUD WE MUST BE OF YOU ....

  3. of course, i'm ready
    so impressive words
    u have just touched my soul...
    nice memories is the way for dreams to come true
    i'm in and u know that
    may be my problem that i have a leader personality and this is not compatible with being a good team member but i still need to carry a special sort of responsibility as a leader
    sorry but i believe in that

    thank u

    Tahani S.

  4. Having this kind of challenge means we are moving on the right track! cause no business rose simply without facing such kind of troubles or challenges.

    It is time to stand together and do the job we all agreed upon initially as we committed ourselves to the success of this Academy when we first singed the "code of conduct"!

    I am sure ready, just the way I started and the way I will keep it on Insha'llah :)

  5. It is the turning point in my life actually, i will continue working on my self to help others .Sometimes ,we need somebody to tease us to get up from indulging in life to put you on the right track .It is simply to be or not to be and i want to be part of this academy .
    Sabreen omary
