
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Domino Game

Domino games

Domino games are veryexciting. Today Maisa brought a very interesting domino pieces which have thealphabets on their sides. I gave each trainee three pieces and asked them tocompose as many words as they can & the one who writes more words win! It'svery useful to apply in our elementary classes, so our kids will revise thealphabets & will be able to compose simple words.

Mind Maps

A mind map is adiagram used to present words, ideas , tasks, or other items linked to andarranged around a central key word oridea. Especially in British English. Mind maps encourage a brainstormingapproach of planning and organizing tasks. Today I've applied this technique inthe TKT training course at the second session. Trainees organized their mindmaps in groups then I exchanged the mind maps between the groups and invitedeach group to add to their colleagues mind maps. It was fantastic and fun!


1001 Vocabulary and Spelling Questions


Monday, February 27, 2012

Burning Questions - Applied to TKT Training

Our burning questions

Do you remember the burningquestion? Today I've applied this  wondeful technique in the TKT training workshop. The traineesloved the idea & burnt their questions !
Fatima Ramadan

Saturday, February 25, 2012

TKT - Fatima

TKT Exam Preparation Course
TKT Module 2: Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching

• Planning and preparing a lesson of sequence of lessons
• Selection and use of resources and materials
Next Monday we are going to start training TKT module 2 in our schools in Irbid area. The training is three sessions and it will cover the following objectives:

Course objectives:
 1.To demonstrate ways to identify aims
and select and components for lesson
2.To enable you to plan both individual
lessons and a sequence of lessons.
3.To increase your knowledge of
supplementary resources and materials
4.To introduce a variety of methods of
teaching using supplementary materials.
To help you incorporate ICT into your
5.To prepare you for the TKT
Fatima Ramadan\ Jerash Camp School

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


For what it is worth, this is a great discussion of older morale theories that I found in a dissertation.  You may recognize some of if from the academy.  I will write more on this later, just thought some of you philosophy nerds might like it :)


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

16 Habits of the Mind

I recall one of you bringing up this very valuable theory during our academy experience.  I have added a link to a very good article - let me know what you all think :)


Friday, February 17, 2012

From a Friend

In speaking classes students must be exposed to three key items:1- Form-focused instruction, that is, attention to details of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and so forth;2- meaning-focused instruction, that is , opportunities to produce meaningful spoken messages with real communicative purposes;and 3- opportunities to improve fluency. In contrast , the first steps in teaching writing skill center around the mechanics of this skill.Mechanics of writing refer to letter reorganisation, and basic rules of spelling, punctuation, and capitalisation,as well as recognition of whole sentences and paragraphs.

It seemed to come at a very opportune time. During the past couple weeks I've been asked several times about why I stay in a job that I seem to complain so much about. And honestly their questions have made me do a lot of thinking about teaching....because, yes, there are many days where I do vent....but, at the same time, there are so many rewards too.
So why do I love to teach?

So while, yes, there are the many challenges I have to face on top of all of that — complaining parents, sometimes demanding administration (who I know are primarily demanding because of what state standards demand), occasionally frustrating students, or heavy bags of schoolwork taken home each evening — the rewards still somehow outweigh the pain. If there ever comes a day when I stand in my classroom, look at the clock and wonder how many more minutes until I get to go home, I'll know that it is time to quit and look for a job elsewhere, but in the meantime, I get to spend 7 hours each day working in a job that for those 7 hours doesn't really feel like work. And that's why I love to teach

So while, yes, there are the many challenges I have to face on top of all of that — complaining parents, sometimes demanding administration (who I know are primarily demanding because of what state standards demand), occasionally frustrating students, or heavy bags of schoolwork taken home each evening — the rewards still somehow outweigh the pain. If there ever comes a day when I stand in my classroom, look at the clock and wonder how many more minutes until I get to go home, I'll know that it is time to quit and look for a job elsewhere, but in the meantime, I get to spend 7 hours each day working in a job that for those 7 hours doesn't really feel like work. And that's why I love to teach.

Maisa Abdelkader

Rewards and Incentives

.Such rewards & incentives could be gifts or colorful  stickers.
... Here are some ideas for extra rewards & incentives:
 • Reduced homework
 • “No Homework” pass
 • Sit with friends
 • Talk time at the end of class
 • Reduced homework
 • “No Homework” pass
 • Fun video
 • Assemblies
• Computer time
 • Brainteasers
 • Field trip
 •  have class outside
 Extra computer time
  Free time at the end of class
  Day for watching a movie
  Group activity
  Coupon for prizes and privileges
  Free pass to sporting event or play
  Walk break from class
 Fun walk with the principal or teacher
  Guest presenter in class
Fatima Ramadan

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Many of you are asking very good questions about your articles, and that is very appropriate!  A few of you know exactly what to do from now until you submit, and that is fine too.  Don't fret where ever you are in the process. Talk to me and I will ask you "framing" questions if necessary.  I envision a very long and intimate process with each of you going back and forth.  Here are a few basic ideas you can start from:

1) Is there a technique or limited program you would like to try out in your classroom?
2) Is there a construct (intelligence, English speaking skills, creativity, student interaction) that you would like to investigate further and learn how to measure?
3) Is there a technique, limited program, or construct that you would like to apply to the specific circumstances of URNWA classrooms?
4) Is there a construct or concept that you would like to explore, and eventually actually add some new information or perspective to in academic world?

These are four good basic questions to begin with, and we can move forward from there. Going back and forth will help me guide you, and as I have said, some of you don't need it.  So if I am asking you a lot of questions, it is not a bad thing at all :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Our Philosophies - The Sixth Five

"Definitely, well-educated teacher leads to well-learnt students. Keeping up to date with the latest techniques and learning styles would reform and renew both the teaching process and the learner's performance. If teachers maintain the congruency among their philosophy, instruction, assessment, and evaluation they would probably achieve the ultimate aims of creating well-educated individuals in a well-organized society."

Khaldoon Qaddoomi

"I strongly believe that all children are able to develop their skills and identities as well as acquire knowledge choosing from what is appropriate for them if they were immersed in semi-real situations in a culture that accepts them if respects their opinions."

Ghada Sari

"I believe that our students are mirrors reflecting  their culture and my mission is to reinforce the good behaviors, ways of thinking, skills, and I'll help them to get the maximum value of my efforts to pass and to have the best learning environment."

Hanadi Damra

"I believe in elevating the teaching process in a positive school environment rising from a strong philosophy to change."

Sultan Awwad

"Since education is the best way to achieve aspiration, I believe that providing students with equal opportunities for learning, lending them a helping hand with possible pedagogical resources, dedicating yourself, time, efforts and abilities will eventually result in an enlightened culturally independent community.  Humans have what it takes to be well-educated, but they will perform better when assessment is provided."

Sa'ad Odeh

"Creating a comfortable and motivating classroom for my students in which students have the right to "astonish" me."

Inas Moghrabi

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Responsibilities of My Philosophy - Michael

Sometimes serendipity is a powerful tool!  Although I had a good plan for the content of our recent workshops, and our teachers and educational specialists brought a wealth of their knowledge and experience too, as we worked together towards some common, manifest goals, new and unexpected gifts were created.  One such gift was "the responsibilities of our philosophy." I don't know who first uttered this brilliant five-word phrase, but being wise (having the ability to recognize the value in things), several of us seized upon it immediately, and I stole it for my philosophy statement :) 
We have declared our philosophies to the world, now it is time to enumerate the things we are duty bound to do to in order to fulfill those philosophies - these are our responsibilities.  I invite you all to restate your philosophies, then to list the associated responsibilities for all to see (including your peers, your supervisors, your students, their parents, the community, the whole world for that matter). We often call this "transparency" and I will start:

"I believe that no student has the right to fail! All students can learn if we provide them a supportive and prescriptive environment, challenge and respect them, and hold ourselves to the standards that reflect the responsibilities of our philosophy."

My responsibilities (including but not limited to):
1) I don't allow myself the right to fail either
2) I go above and beyond the normal expectations of my job to provide support for my students - in my case that means giving them my home phone number, coming in on weekends for tutoring, learning about them so I can help them personally, etc.
3) I set clear and firm expectations in my classes that I hold myself to first
4) I learn the abilities of my students as rapidly as possible so I know how to appropriately challenge them, and I get to know them so I know how far I can "stretch" them
5) I learn their names and address them personally
6) I create a classroom contract and culture that best supports our goals
7) I constantly challenge myself with these responsibilities, and I welcome feedback regarding my progress from anywhere I can gather it

Our Academy Sustainability Plan Phase One: The Academy Speakers Bureau

With the help of Mr. Michael Morsches , the support of Miss Shorouq Fakhouri and on behalf of  our academy members, I'm proud to to launch The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning sustainability plan initiative which hopefully will be implemented when approved formally by the Agency. 

creating an academy speaking bureau.

 We intend to run a questionnaire back in our schools and in our local communities, which can be used as an educational as we well as a survey tool to provide necessary information about teaching preconceptions and misconceptions. We can make three types of questionnaires: for teachers, for students, and for parents. The questionnaire might include any or all of the above-mentioned terminology.

 We intend make a resources pool so that we could make presentations and general access of information easier.

 We intend to produce a unified PPT presentation with a syllabus made available for trainers. This can be done in many ways; one of which: each area members (Amman, Zarqa, irbid…etc) should hold a meeting to come up with a PPT presentation proposal and  then a general meeting should be held to brainstorm ideas in order to come up with a customized unified presentation that suites the needs the teachers and students of Jordan.

 We intend to carry out workshops in our schools and carry out presentations to form a level of awareness among everyone who affects or is affected by the Education process.

 We intend to make an overall assessment of our presentations, maybe by conducting a final questionnaire, which will be a summative evaluation tool and a valuable feedback asset.

For further details, please contact Sultan Awwad at sultanawwad8@gmail.com

Our Philosophies - The Fifth Five

"I believe that Allah created prophets and teachers to help people live better. Teachers shoulder the responsibility to teach our students how to live and achieve their goals by equipping them with self-confidence and trust to be able to work hard to be successful leaders "I can do it."

Abeer Abdullah Jaber Zayed

"Teachers are like prophets who convey messages full of tolerance, ethics, culture, morals, and great instructions. They both face obstacles dealing with people and students. But we should imitate the prophets, we shouldn't  be frustrated to over come those obstacles, be inspired, talented, patient, and goal oriented."

Ahmad Al-Joghaime

"I believe that every classroom presents a unique community of learners that varies in abilities, but also in learning styles. My role as a teacher is to give children the tools  with which to cultivate their own garden of knowledge.   To accomplish this goal, I will teach to the needs of each child so that learners can feel capable and makes learning relevant to life.  I will incorporate themes, integrated units, project, group work, individual work, in order to make children active learners. Finally, I will tie learning to the world community to help children become caring and active members of society."

Kamal Shawabkeh

"I believe that each student has a distinguished personality and deserves an environment  which fulfills his/her needs.  Students are our future; providing them with trust and friendly relationships; believing in their abilities will be the base of successful construct of the future. All students can get involved and be motivated to learn in a creative natural classroom culture."

Tahani Al-Sa'di

"I believe that all students can learn, and have the right to learn, though with different abilities and potential that I can, with my intellect, raise and help to broaden to the utmost so that these students can serve themselves and their community best."

Osama Bitar

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Our Philosophies - The Fourth Five

"I believe that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure and a stimulating atmosphere. It is my role to help them meet and achieve their goals by providing the appropriate environment in which I act as a guide allowing the children's instinct and curiosity to direct their learning and to create a classroom culture where they learn to respect all things and all people."

Rami Freij

"I believe my students have power that is locked inside. All what they need is a secure stimulating environment. It is my mission to unlock the power and let them shine and glow. It is my responsibility to get them included and give them the chance to explore themselves."

Alaa Amoura

"I believe that a teacher such as a captain of the ship to convey ethics, culture, and morals so we transfer knowledge, information, and all things and give the right of curriculum "full of tolerance" so we know students are human. This should be the first concern of a teacher."

Anwar Salameh Ahmed AlKurdi

"I believe that every student has the right to have a caring, safe environment.  I will teach them how to be responsible for themselves as well as their own learning giving them the right tools to become successful in life."

Mohammed Abu Tammam

"I believe each child has potential to bring something unique and special to the world. I will help children to develop their potential by believing in them as capable individuals. I will assist children in discovering who they are, so they can express their own opinions and nurture their ideas.  I have a vision of a world where people learn to respect, accept, and embrace the differences between us, as the core of what makes life so fascinating."

Ibrahim Al Salam Al Aloul

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Two Hours?

I laughed really hard when I heard someone believed the entire workshop we did could have been covered in two hours!  I found that to be ridiculous to say the least.  But, I do believe the workshop could be much better.  Once again, the idea was to stir up existing resources (you) during the pre-workshop stage, then to do some very specific things during the week.  We were never intended to cover anything to any great detail, just to start to establish some direction and introspection.  Having said that, I believe there is room for improvement. From here, I will work with you all very closely (as will some new friends :), and you will also work with each other over the next five months.  We will find some independent paths while not losing sight of each other.  Keeping in mind this larger context, and after a week or so to contemplate, I would like to hear from you:
1) What worked well in the workshop?
2) What could have been better?
3) What topics or sessions could have been eliminated?
4) What topics or sessions could have been added?
Please comment with your feedback and understand that you cannot offend me :) I welcome your thoughts because I pray we will do this thing over and over again!  Yahla, let's go.