
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mind Maps

A mind map is adiagram used to present words, ideas , tasks, or other items linked to andarranged around a central key word oridea. Especially in British English. Mind maps encourage a brainstormingapproach of planning and organizing tasks. Today I've applied this technique inthe TKT training course at the second session. Trainees organized their mindmaps in groups then I exchanged the mind maps between the groups and invitedeach group to add to their colleagues mind maps. It was fantastic and fun!



  1. Bravo Fatima.
    I will conduct a workshop on how to apply this technique inside the classroom soon. Of course you are invited, maybe you can share with other teachers what you have done so far.. I'm happy I nominated you to TKT and this Academy, you are doing a great job...:)

  2. It's my pleasure to join you!IT's really fruitful technique & the trainees realised that & they keep giving me feedback, I will also organise a demonstration lesson to give practical application of such tech.

  3. great job fatima
