
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Domino Game

Domino games

Domino games are veryexciting. Today Maisa brought a very interesting domino pieces which have thealphabets on their sides. I gave each trainee three pieces and asked them tocompose as many words as they can & the one who writes more words win! It'svery useful to apply in our elementary classes, so our kids will revise thealphabets & will be able to compose simple words.


  1. We are a fantastic team at school (Maisa & Fatima)

  2. you guys are doing a great job. I am very proud of you, and I really feel sorry I couldn't make it that day and be with you.
    I'm overwhelmed and there are days when I have to be in three different places at the same time, any ideas of how to manage..;)

  3. May Allah help you, we know & appreciate your hard work! You will miss nothing! Everything is there in the pictures!

  4. great, send me these picture. I'd love to see you learning and having fun ....and I want to see what you have learnt applied inside the classroom, that will make me happy...:)

  5. I like it.I will apply it in my classes
    great job

  6. Sara Subhi
    I will post something incredible about Domino games insha'alla on Monday. How to make your own Domino alphabets from simple things! wait!
