
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Comment on Culture

I would like to start  talking about culture in general .Actually , culture is a great pot in which our beliefs ,thoughts , history , community are melt together to create several personalities . It is the interaction between time place and human nature .Maybe everyone of us asks himself what is the relationship between culture and the language .I strongly believe  that the language is the production of any culture. Consequently , to understand any language ,you should study the background ,the history ,the myths , taboos and habits of any people .  
Its very important for the teacher to establish a positive classroom culture at the beginning of the term .By doing this , the teacher will facilitate the teaching process. First of all the teacher should define the classroom culture .In my opinion , it is a set of norms, values and beliefs, and symbols the teacher  and students  agree upon and work together to  solve problems, deal with challenges and, at times, cope with failures. To achieve this , the teacher should work like the detective by asking students about their likes and dislikes .For example, the teacher could put students in certain setting in which they can form a circle to talk about them selves . Mean while the teacher can record all of the given information in special class profile . Building classroom culture is similar to building a family What is essential is having a strong bond among the members of the institution that depends on certain values like respect , honesty , forgiveness and taking responsibility . An important step in teaching children to be comfortable with their cultural background and essentially themselves is to encourage and value their input in a small group of other students. This has to do with the organization of the classroom and the development of lesson plans. Discussion is a valuable form of learning in establishing a positive classroom culture .      Moreover , In order to create cultural texture, the teacher ask students to search the internet or library and find information on any aspect of the target-culture that interests them. In the following class, students explain to their group what they have learned and answer any questions about it. From my own humble experience , I asked my students to do a research about  the Israeli occupation to our home land and read the news about the violation  of human rights concerning Palestinian people in Gaza . Afterwards, we held a discussion about it .Then I asked them to write their own story about a Palestinian suffering .
In addition , it is highly important for the teacher to teach any reading text in a context .Sts should  get involved in learning process through the interactions patterns. This has to do with class room management which influences the pace of the lesson .  It is obvious that to create  a good atmosphere inside the classroom  , the teacher should gain students trust and respect by his deeds and behaviors. When the teacher shows them his enthusiasm and how much he is restrict in some points , he will has his own language  inside the class .  Once you are  the conductor  in the orchestra , You will have harmony and agreement . The teacher plays several roles right from the beginning he is an observer  for information , clerk ,psychologist ,analyst , historian , planner , instructor , mentor ,facilitator , wise man  and before and after a human .   
 Sabreen alomary

1 comment:

  1. Commonly culture is some thing like a contract or a constitution that is agreed upon among a group of people regardless to how big or small this group is.
    As a teacher generally,and a second langue teacher specifically, I am convinced that there are some conventions that should be set up in the students minds regarding their class and their second language class. these conventions are embodied in both of the rules they should follow and the environment that will help them under stand and obey these rules.
    Now so as to bring my students to have a special learning culture, I sat a local learning environment for them in their class. For example, in one of my classes i used a wall board to set a class democratic constitution. Students a greed upon the constitution rules printed them and posted them nicely on the board accompanied with their signatures. still in another class I suggested an English wall Board upon which students can contribute in what ever way they like to create an English like mini culture. Eventually, I found that creating such cultures helps students to learn organization and commitment to their culture, and they enjoy their roles in those cultures, because they find that it breaks the routine and monotony of other classes.
