
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Lunch

I was so, so pleased with our lunch today!  The turnout was much better than I hoped (for the few of you who could not come, we missed you greatly!).  It was an honor to have Shorouq with us, and many quests who all made wonderful contributions to the event.  Thanks to Sultan and Bassam for working on things, and to Osama for his "instant eloquence."  Zeinab and Salaam have toured Shirley and Rachel, and Rasha and Nesreen will take them out again on Thursday.  Moath Freij, renowned journalist from the Jordan Times was with us (hoping to do a story :), and we had many other dignitaries. The academy members did a great job explaining our program (better than I could) and I felt so proud and relieved.  I have deliberately left things a bit vague so you all could decide how and when it should come together and I learned today that my instincts were good!
Not only did we "reify" the mission of the academy, we also began to see the value in doing similar programs for our students and parents. We have just begun and the future is looking very bright indeed.  Shorouq reminded us that sustainability is paramount and I don't believe we will let her down :) This week will be fun, tough, revealing, and rewarding. I am so excited it is here and a bit sad it will soon be over - until then I would remind you that my job is to kick your......and your jobs is to stop me :)

1 comment:

  1. You will still be the first teacher and "inspirer". People like you never stop or been stopped!
