
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

From a New Friend

I am Ameera Ibrahim,21years old, I study Optics at JUST university, I am a friend of the academy & I've attended the last session today.I strongly believe that those who I met aren't only teachers but  they are creative professionals.They work as a team. I watched marvelous projects. Before I attended the session, I hated  being a teacher, but now I can say that teachers have the keys of the locked dooes in life. Finally, I would like to say to Michael that you are a star shining in the sky.Thanks for everyone.
Ameera Ibrahim


  1. Thank you Ameera for those kind remarks! If I was shining it was because I was reflecting the brilliance in the room :)

  2. welcome Ameera
    i didn't know you can say touching words!!!!

  3. This is the new version of Teachers Ameera. We all had that idea in mind about teachers, but it time to change things now.

    Happy to have you with us and thanks for the nice shots you made, you are an excellent photographer!

  4. Thanks alot Ameera I hope you will become a star in the near future
