
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

" Ethics and case study"

Do you agree with ethics we use & teach in classroom might not be the same sts. should learn for the real life?
Ethics taught in classroom are not always those sts. need in real life .I think that what most teachers do in classrooms is diving information but they miss preparing sts. to real life situations. We as teachers should prepare our sts. to deal with  difficult ethical situations they are likely to to face in their adult & professional lives .eg. if they understand the practical factors they bear on ethical decision making, they will be better able to apply their own values in real life. We can give them tools that will make it possible for them to be their own "best selves" if they choose to be. The important question I think is what is the most effective way to teach practical ethics? We can teach practical & professional ethics through case studies that present real life situations that sts. may encounter & encourages them to recognize potential moral & ethical problems & potential resolutions. They would be also better able to act consistently with their values if they have thought about ethical dilemmas & how to cope with them before they actually encounter them in
Real life.
Examples of  some case studies:
 When constructing a case study for ethic teaching we have to consider the following:
1- What is the ethical problem to be embodied in the case study?
2- What are the teaching objectives for the case study?
 An important e.g is telling stories .I think the power of case stories & narrative teaches ethics for real life situations. Another important e.g is doll's theater ( where sts. have the chance to act) & role play.
 * time management: a st. has to decide between attending an important meeting or going to a concert.
* The case of the missing case:a st. finds himself in a situation where if he does the right thing, the consequence could be losing his friends.
* school education projects: e.g- Green poster (environment)- Waste watcher( keep Jordan clean)-a debate ( hunting rare animals)-Mars exploration( risk to potential life on another planet)
Fatima Ramadan

1 comment:

  1. I don't agree with this idea because I think that the ethics we teach in the classroom are the ones our society insists that we have .We cannot forget or deny that both teachers and students belong to the same religion ,society and background . For example ,teaching students not to lie or steal can work for both the school and the real life .
