
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Friday, December 23, 2011

We Are Just Warming Up!

Thank you all for not turning in your homework all at once! I am getting a really good idea about the way you think and approach your craft, and my respect grows. You all have such an important job, perhaps that is why I am so motivated to work with you, knowing that whatever we accomplish together will help so many children, their families, our communities and the world.  I am very proud to have a small part in that.  Having said that, I am also very, very serious about this mission, and I will be asking a lot of myself and of you. I was lucky to have a wonderful academy experience at the University of Akron, and I want yours to be even better - the job you do everyday is so much more important than anything I have done in my life. I know it is easy to get caught up in your day-to-day existence, and I know you aren't getting rich.  But what you do is noble, and that nobility has a price.
You all are my heroes and heroines, and that is not hyperbole. I worked in a refuge camp for only two years; you have dedicated a good part or all of your life even to this work.  But I want to see the evolution of a new kind of hero/heroine - one that lives and works in a heroic system! We have all worked hard, been the one advocate, fought our lonely wars, and as self-righteously satisfying as that can be at times, it is not enough to save these children.  The system itself must be heroic. It must be philosophically grounded, consistent, and finally as flexibly compassionate as it can be while still maintaining its mission.  Now imagine a group of dedicated individuals working together inside this coordinated campaign seeing their personal efforts magnified in the confluence of like-minded colleagues. A true academy in every sense of the word!
Several of you have asked some really good questions about the value of this experience, and more specifically, how it will benefit you.  I think these questions are very fair. I believe there are multiple levels of value that come with this opportunity, the first three straight from motivation theory: Intrinsic, Extrinsic, and Achievement motivation. Many of you have already expressed the potential intrinsic value of the academy far better and more eloquently than I ever could. We all find those moments in the day when we feel so good about what we do, the lives we touch, the grace we feel when teaching transcends knowledge. These things are very powerful, yet often far too serendipitous and fleeting.  What if we could make these accidents and incidents less accidental and incidental.  Establishing our philosophic core, creating consistency between the four stages of pedagogy (Philosophy being the first, the other three coming shortly :) should certainly increase these internally rewarding episodes.
Extrinsically, the benefits of this academy are only limited by your imagination and your ability to conceptualize your experience and then to exploit it. I was talking to Ahmad (who loves English, and it shows) earlier tonight, and we discussed language skills. I told him I had seen many people who had learned English as a new language and had failed to make anything of the accomplishment. Others I had known had utilized the new skill to open new opportunities and to reach new frontiers. It has not been my experience that a skill, ability, certificate, or diploma marketed itself. I tell my philosophy students that wisdom is the ability to recognize the value in things - you have to see it first before you can point it out to others.  For instance: You have volunteered to join the inaugural group of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in UNRWA's history - You are all very busy yet you have willingly adopted this extra workload for the benefit of your students, schools, and profession - You will explore areas of your beliefs and philosophy that few teachers take the time to examine - You will go back to your schools and share this process, these lessons of introspection, demonstrating selfless leadership - You are sharing your thoughts, beliefs, and love for teaching with the world on a website for all to see, for all to benefit from - You will work on an idea, a lesson, a concept and take the time and care to craft it into an article to submit for publication, potentially sharing it with the world - You may choose to develop or refine your teaching portfolio, creating a concrete glimpse into your heart and soul -You will network with a college in the USA (New River Community and Technical College) that will support you and grant you a certificate acknowledging your hard work and achievement - You will have the opportunity to return next year and help lead a new cohort through the process - If you don't see something here others would find extremely valuable, maybe you aren't too wise (just kidding, kind of :)
To let you in on a little secret, God has blessed (or cursed) me with the third kind of motivation, Achievement Motivation!  It is neither wholly extrinsic nor intrinsic. If I was at work today, and my boss told me we would all be going through a training program with seven levels, I would have my plan to reach them all in record time before he even told me the subject matter. I have a drive within me, and am so blessed God has chosen the right target for this energy. This will to move forward, onward, upward had also led to the accumulation of a lot of knowledge, experiences, skills, compassion, empathy and a fair degree of wisdom as by products. Seriously speaking, how could an academy experience like this not be beneficial if you applied yourself?
In the next week, I will share more and more of the upcoming schedule and the January program - I have been collecting information from you to integrate into the plan, and I believe we are building a good foundation. 
Keep working hard, find more time, express yourself more in depth as you write and share.  GET ON THE BLOG AND SHARE COMMENTS! I promise we will find value in this journey if you find strength and perseverance right now. Live up to the status of our heroes and heroines building our own heroic system.


  1. You Know Michael I’m more than proud to have u as our professor and”PHILOSOPHER KING!!” I’m gonna have some of these noble words on my English bulletin board at my school if you don’t mind and to convey your message to my colleagues as well!
    I’m gonna tell you the secret of this success! It is their pens that bleed everyday and steal their youth flower, health and time. I’m so deeply appreciative of their hard work and dedication! Everyone of them is a divine masterpiece perfectly woven to be in that noble position. “We are not built as ships to be tossed but as houses to stand!”
    I wann ask u a simple question if u don’t mind: MASHAALLAH WHRE DO U GET THIS ENTHUSIASM? I need to be recharged!
    I really like your statement about value!

  2. Oh! Good Lord!! We have been working for almost one month and "WE ARE JUST WARMING UP!"!! I wonder how things gonna be when we move to the next stage(Joking of course)!:) we, as teachers, find warming up the easiest part of the whole teaching situation whereas here it is a different kind of warming up, i guess!!!

    Our dearest teacher, let me start by thanking you for what you have done so far and specifically for this post that tells each one of us how beneficial will this huge project be to us, to our students and even to the community. Our respect grows to you as well. If we are doing the important job, certainly you are doing the most important part of it all. if you are so motivated to work with us, we are as enthusiastic as you are to learn form you and to gain experience. It all goes for you and for your nobel efforts, Michael. It is because of your efforts that this whole academey is being established now. You are saying that we are your heroes and heroines, if so, im sure that you are the model hero, champion for those who would like to learn a lesson about success, the speech you made 34 yrs after you left school teaches us a lot (http://philosopherking-michael.blogspot.com/2011/08/my-speech.html). It gives one of the best examples of how a dream can come true.
    We are internaly motivated to do the job even though we are burdened with other issues and responsibilities. However, telling us how extrinsically this project is for us, motivates us more and more. It is as you said, in order to succeed, we need the "ability to recognize the value in things - [we]have to see it first before [we] can point it out to others.".

    Im sure that you are blessed by God when he gave you the energy and the motivation to achieve your goals. I do think that this is a grace as long is it is meant to serve humanity positively which is what you did, are doing now and im sure will be doing in the future because you are a person with braod vision and a powerful mission. Im grateful that "God has chosen the right target for this energy"!

    Looking forward for next week's e-mails:)

  3. Dear Michael,
    Thanks for calling us heroes and heroines, trust me we all think of you as a great hero, and you even deserve more.
    Though I have known you for almost a year now, and despite the long hours we talked about our careers and the fact that I thought I have know a lot about you, this experience proved me wrong I still need to learn a lot about " my hero" and my respect grows every day.
    You are quite right about the fact that whatever this Academy brings to life is something that will not only affect our own lives but will also cause a big change in the lives of the kids we are teaching and hence will somehow change what tomorrow will look like. But I don't agree with you on the amount of credit you give yourself for all that is going on, I believe that none of this could have happened if it were not for you, you are the great force behind it all
    No one can argue the fact that you are very serious about this, and I do know you are demanding a lot from everyone, yourself to start with. You have done some great things in your life, this Academy is one more thing, hope it will be as beneficial as possible for everyone.
    As for creating a heroic system, I think you are right, I have tried fighting alone almost all my life and I know how depressing it can be sometimes, and how helpful it would be to know that one is part of a bigger entity, that can support and protect you when you need that. I think this Academy is the milestone to this system we are hoping for, and I truly believe things will work, and we will end up establishing our own philosophy.
    I can assure you Michael, that everyone in this Academy is wise enough to recognize the great value of this experience, and you are right about the fact that we all are burdened with heavy duties but still very passionate about this experience and willing to work hard.
    God would never curse a kind soul like you, so I would say blessed you with Achievement Motivation, and I have seen this clearly over the last year in your strong passion for helping others and doing the right things. This drive has turned you into the man you are now, the man you deserve to be proud of.
    I cannot wait for what you have for us; hope that we are all up to your expectations.
    Thank you again for all the effort you are putting in this. May Allah always bless you.

  4. Marvelous!great values that make us enthusiastic to work more and more.Actually you enriched us with your great words. I'm not flattering but this is the fact

    Saleem M Jabali

  5. Thank you all so much! Khadijeh, my enthusism comes from you all. Zeinab and Ghada, UNRWA is lucky to have you two as ed specialists. Saleem,I love the word "work" thank you for using it :) The academy now needs to take a life of its own on now, not you, not me, but it - a heroic system!

  6. At the very beginning, I'd like to express my deep gratitude to Mr. Michael for his innovative vision about learning and teaching which might be genuine in terms of philosophy and epistemology. In fact, I have been given this opportunity to join this fruitful academy through which teachers will definitely benefit from the mutual knowledge and experience, etc.

    Khaldoon Qaddoomi

  7. We call upon those heroes who dedicate their livesÙˆ fighting for freedom and humanity. What do we call those who made these heroes???

  8. Well , I like the way you categorized values or let's call'm levels of motivation .I think most of participants in this academy have at least the first two levels .
    I liked what our friend Ahmad Al-Joghaime said just before we started this incredible project " We are thirsty to have such experiences.Actually , those words have resonated not only into my ears but also into my heart all my life .
    I also liked calling us " heroes and heroines " .Yeah , I do believe that teachers who have devoted their lives for teaching and their students deserve this title .

  9. hello Michael,
    You wrote valuable words.
