
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

On The Lighter Side

We have a very serious profession, but sometimes we laugh in the classroom, and sometimes our students get to laugh at us. There have been many times I have afforded my class this opportunity, usually not on purpose. Here are just a few of my faux pas throughout the years:
First, I am glad to say that I have hair left to talk about!  I have worn it long, short, and medium in my career, and seldom really thought about it too much. Not spending a lot of time in front of mirrors, my haircuts were of little consequence to me. About fifteen years ago, I learned how to cut my own hair, and I suppose I saved a great deal of money. I was teaching a math class one day, when a nice young student chimed in saying, "you got a haircut Mr. Morsches?"  As was my custom in those days, I replied "yes, and I gave it to myself" feeling very proud and self-sufficient. A second later, another student added simply "it's obvious." There was a moment's pause then the whole class erupted into laughter - I gave up the self-service right then and there.
Where is My Podium?
I do a great deal of teaching and training in many places.  I don't care what the room looks like, where the training takes place, whether or not I get paid, how long it is, how much time I have to prepare, what the subject is, but I do demand one thing - that I have a podium! A few months ago, I showed up to do a session for a group in Indiana, and they proudly showed me their very expensive podium. I looked at it, smiled sadly and shook my head no.  They were kind, and wheeled the massive glass podium out of the room and brought in an old plain wooden version.  I was happy! I suppose you are wondering about the etiology of this idiosyncrasy?  Well, it has been long enough now that I can talk about it. I was doing a workshop for a group of teachers I had never worked with before in a building I had never been in either. It was a school that had been closed for years, and they were just then remodeling it floor by floor. They had finished the third floor, and there was only one very large room with very few pieces of furniture in it - there were tables and chairs, and nothing else. I was to stand at the front of the room and deliver the lecture, and forty teachers would be seated around a U shaped table set up. It was an eight hour training, and we were miles away from any other places.  Once there, we were there with no other resources.  I showed up early, and to my consternation, I noticed that all the participants were women; I prefer mixed groups. At the appointed hour, I stood up, went to the front of the room and stood behind a very small table and introduced myself.  As I moved into the material, less than two minutes after I started, only two minutes into the eight hour ordeal, the zipper on my pants busted!  It was the longest day of my life.
I Have One Now!
Has anyone asked you what your most embarrassing moment was? Do you hate these kinds of questions because you really don't have an answer, or if you do, you certainly don't want to share?  Well, I used to dislike this particular question because I had no definitive anecdote for this inquiry. Thankfully   (I guess), that all changed one day.  I now have no difficulty conjuring a response!  Ten years ago, I was asked to do a study skills workshop for a group of students at my college.  I had done this workshop a hundred times and it was very popular. That day, my boss had called me to her office and asked me to look into a problem with some employment applications. Dutifully, I dug into them and got lost in the work. After a few hours, I figured out the problem and congratulated myself on my brilliance and went back to my office. When I got there, there were several students and a colleague waiting for me. They had a funny look on their faces, and I was quite puzzled. Finally, my friend asked me where I was supposed to be right then - they were all barely containing their laughter. Horribly, I came to me that I had forgotten to go to my own workshop! A Memory Workshop!  It was more than six years before I did not hear about this incident every day.
There is an old saying in the EFL business that if you make a mistake in language, it will be vulgar.  Many of the mistakes I have made in the classroom to my students glee have been such things, and I will not list them here! (If you want to know, ask me privately :) 
Your Turn
If you have stories you would like to share (that are PG-13) please submit them - it does our souls good to laugh at our own egos!


  1. Just two weeks ago a really hilarious incident happened. I was teaching the sixth grade then. Before I explain what happened, well let me say that we usually get spoiled by the "gifts" of some local community members such as rotten vegetables, dead sheep's heads, used baby nappies and so on, but on that day we received the best "gift": the hugest rat ever. We had rats 'problem at Amir Hassan camp but never this big.

    I was teaching when I heard boys holding big brooms and hitting the floor, I knew what it was..my heart was in my mouth, I closed the door and tried to act calm and I didn't disclose the secret, but that didn't last long ..suddenly the huge rat entered the class nearest to us and everybody started shouting I ( along with the brave science teacher) tried to calm the students down..everybody then was in the school corridor..I thought the rat was out so I started lecturing about the triviality of the whole thing and the importance of discipline, two little girls tried to say something, I kept on talking and shouted at them, then one of them said: Miss it's right behind you I looked behind in horror and said loudly: Everybody ..Run and we all ran to the playground laughing together..

    The question was, where were the head teacher and the head teacher assistant.. just hiding in their room, they even put mats in the space underneath their door just in case
    Lesson to be learned: female teachers are definitely not role models as far as rats are concerned.
    Salam Saleh

  2. Hahahaha....Salam I couldn't stop laughing!!!!This really funny( to read not to live).Thank you for sharing your funny story...

  3. easier written than lived Nihaya dear
    am so glad that you are with us in the Academy

  4. Really a bad experience for such a lady teacher like you Salam, but really you are excellent in story telling .
    I advice you to wear good boots to be ready for the next battle with the rats
    take care

  5. If there isn't anything to laugh on i will create something or i ask a student to tell a joke, or guess what!
    One day in the classroom a student asked me and the class... A CAT WAS WALKING ON A WALL , SUDDENLY SHE STOPPED. WHY ? i leave the answer to you all maybe we have fun...........
