
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Never Too Old To Learn

 Never too old to learn
               First of all ,let me introduce myself .This is Basem Althayabeh .I'm teaching at Rusaifa Prep.B/S 3 .I've been teaching English for about 15 years .I was born in Bethlehem ,Palestine in 1974 and moved to Jordan in 1979 .Most of my relatives still live in HEBRON .I'm married with 4 kids .I've got many hobbies ,including drawing , calligraphy ,reading ,chatting on the internet ,playing football ,volleyball and table tennis ,watching movies and football matches ,collecting stamps and coins ,gardening and barbecuing .
              Now ,let me get in the topic .As I was at university ,our professors focused on tests and writing only .They  never asked us to speak .In fact ,I got the highest marks in my major . In addition to this ,the NET service wasn't available .The computers were too expensive then as well .Now ,it's different .
              That's why ,I set a goal or let's call it a dream .So funny ,right ?This man is still dreaming !Yes ,I'm still dreaming and without those dreams my life would  be of no use .I still believe that no one is complete. .Each one of us must have his / her ambitions .
              What have I done ? Well ,I feel I still need to improve my speaking and vocabulary .That's why I started working on my own .I download and watch videos and songs every day .I talk to people all over the world ,especially those whose English is native or at least good enough .I take part in any course offered by UNRWA .I spend most of my time in front of my computer .May God help my wife and kids .
              Do you think I'm doing the right thing ?


  1. I think these are great activities, and the best lesson of all is that you will be wiser and you will help your own students develop their powers of expression! Thank you

  2. i guess you'r on the right track my friend.

  3. Not only it is never too late to dream, I think we die the day we stop dreaming Basem.
    I have seen you with your students and I know how enthusiastic and dedicated you are. You should be very proud of yourself Basem, being able to reflect and evaluate your own achievements, many people would never dare to.
    I guess you are on the right track.
    I believe your students are lucky to have a persistent, hard-working teacher like you :)
    best of luck and keep dreaming :)

  4. Hi Basem,
    You are doing the right thing!! Keep going, Im proud of you! You are great teacher!

  5. Hi Bassem
    You are expressing my feelings and thoughts, I always think the same, we shouldn't stop working and trying. Language is like the sea, and we daily discover and learn new words and roles. It’s not shame to ask to learn things we are not sure with and to express our feelings and to learn from each other.

  6. I like Tennyson's words in this regard, just enjoy it Mr.Basem and I do agree with u all:)

    How dull it is to pause, to make an end,
    To rust unburnish'd, not to shine in use!
    As tho' to breathe were life! Life piled on life
    Were all too little, and of one to me
    Little remains: but every hour is saved
    From that eternal silence, something more,
    A bringer of new things; and vile it were
    For some three suns to store and hoard myself,
    And this gray spirit yearning in desire
    To follow knowledge like a sinking star,
    Beyond the utmost bound of human thought.

  7. Thanks my friends
