
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Message from Shorouq

This is Shorouq Fakhouri the Deputy Chief of Education Program, UNRWA/ Jordan Field Office. I am pleased to be given the chance to say a couple of encouraging thoughts addressing UNRWA staff participating in this Academy. The idea of establishing this academy came to existence as a result of Mr. Morsches’ passion to found such a forum that links teachers of UNRWA to reflect and exchange thoughts about teaching practices combined with my belief, as an UNRWA manager, in the outstanding efforts, skills and competencies exerted and acquired by our staff in UNRWA. The foundation of this academy feeds also into UNRWA/ Education Reform that encourages continuous professional development, open distance learning, peer learning etc This academy is a promising idea and a success story that will grow, with your efforts, to help us maintain our overall aim that is quality of education provided to the less privileged refugee children living in the host countries. I congratulate UNRWA participants, teachers and education specialists, on joining this academy of teaching and learning in coordination with the New River Community and Technical College for their efforts invested into this initiative and looking forward to see the fruits of this collaboration into the ground.

*This is Michael with a small footnote to this inspiring message: None of us, not me, not you, would be in this workshop right now if it wasn't for Shorouq! I woudn't be returning to Jordan to do training at all. She has paved the way for all of this, recognizing the value of professional development and the talents of all of you. I can't tell you how much I respect her and how much I owe her! I cannot do anything about the things that break my heart in Palestine, but alhamdulilah, I can work with you wonderful people in the career that I love. We are so fortunate to be able to share our experiences, our dreams, and our passion as teachers together. We owe this to Shorouq. I have enjoyed support from all of the UNRWA administration, but she has been my champion and my hero. You are so lucky to have her.


  1. Dear Ms Shorouq,
    We all owe you for you constant support to UNRWA staff especially, the English Language teachers and Ed. Specialists. We are the luckiest!! It is as Michael said, "None of us... would be in this workshop right now if it wasn't for [you]"!! Thanks again, my dear. YOu are not only Michael's hero and champoin but mine too!!!

    Michael, we all owe you too!! We appreciate your support to as well as sympathy with Palestine Refugees!We are fortunate to get the chance to work with a person like you!

    Michael, thanks for what you wrote about Ms. Shorouq, she deserves it! You said it all :)

    Thanks again for both of you!!

  2. Dear Ms Shorouq,

    It's a good chance to express my gratitude for your permanent support for English teaching at UNRWA, and for your efforts to give us this marvellous chance in the Academy. I believe that this experience would be one of the best I have ever gone through.
    You have always inspired me and I feel that UNRWA and English Teachers are really lucky to have you. Thank you again for granting us this excellent chance.

    Dear Micheal,
    Thank you a lot for yor support and being on line most of the time for us.
    When I open my Blogger and found that my colleagues have written something, and you commented on them, I asked myself: Oh! Does he respond to all of us the same?? Is he really there fo all of us?? You make each of us feel special. I feel so proud to work with you.

    Thanks for both of you!! You are really inspiring!!!

  3. Dear Ms Shorouq,
    First of all give me a chance to thank you and to express my deep appreciation for your encouragement and for your support and let me say that i really hope to know you more in person since we hear about you more often from Micheal. I do agree with you that this academy is a gift we must benefit from this special experience to the maximum extent.
    thank you again
    Dear Michael:
    I won't talk alot about that but i know that i'm lucky to be a participant of this academy with you
    Thank u

  4. Dear Ms Shorouq,
    I'd like to thank you for all you've done and still do to help English teachers keep up with the latest experiences in teaching .We are really lucky to have you as the Deputy Chief of Education Program .
    Dear Professor Michael ,
    Whatever I say won't be enough to praise you and your marvellous efforts .

  5. “Now you are all encouraging me to do more for the members of my bigger family i.e UNRWA teachers, and I will always do.This has been a dream for me to establish an electronic forum to link English Language teachers ever since I was School Supervisor; however, all efforts were in vain. I am happy to see this dream comes to existence.Please, always keep up the outstanding efforts to better serve our beneficiaries and professionally grow together. The best of luck to all”

  6. Sobhanah Allah … I would say it wasn’t my choice to work with the UNRWA. It was God’s will. I’ve tried in vain to flee it and every time found my self bound to it exactly like Prometheus! After thinking for a while I would say Allhamdulleh! How blessed am I to be a message holder, an educator and a teacher for the Palestinian Refugees despite all the challenges and difficulties! Ms. Shorouq – My teacher and supervisor … Thank you for this opportunity of learning, Allah may reward you for this inshaAllah!
    This is a gift for you Ms. Shorouq and all the teachers on this blog! For you Michael as well!

  7. :) this is me smiling about any reference to Prometheus!!!!!

  8. I've been punished one day Michael but not for stealing fire. It was because I was trying to ... i wouldn't like to remember!!!

  9. lol, I feel more like Sisyphus with my big giant rock!

  10. this is not the first time but i have always felt lucky to have Ms Shorouq with us dating back to the EP course through now
    she has always inspired and supported us
    i beleive we are equally lucky to have Mr.Bassam Saleh ...he is very inspiring

  11. we are really lucky to have Ms. Shorouq with us. you are our unrwa idol.
