
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Why Me?

When I read why this academy? Why me? Why you? I decide to rewrite a letter about my self.
I enrolled elementary school in Palestine in Hebron. My school was big. it has perfect teachers . I’ll not forget them. My country was occupied by Jews. They settled a lot of buildings in front of my school. When we are sitting in the class we heard the sound of shooting from Jewish soldiers. Sometimes we couldn’t enter the school because it was surrounded by Jewish. My school now is a building for settlers. No one can go inside. I can see its rooms, balconies, classes, stairs, ground floor and the supper floor. Just in my mind it’s a memory. it has a beautiful memory in my mind I wish one day to come and pass the street of my school!?
 After the elementary school I attended the preparatory school. At that time I shared a lot of sport competitions. Such as, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball and tennis racket. Although I was a brilliant student I was a good player, I love my school.
 After I had finished 3 years in preparatory school I went to a secondary school I studied 3 years there its big school I met some classmates from elementary school.
 After I had studied 3 years there I passed al-tawjihy exams. I enrolled a university in Jerusalem. its Abu Dees university in that year the Palestinian revolution began- intifada- to study pharmacist , it was difficult to travel form city to another in Palestine. my uncle . Advice me to enrolled Hebron university in Hebron it will be easier to go and return home. so I ought to change my subject. I choose to study English. That period was not easy because of the revolution. I remembered one time Jewish soldier attack the universality shooting, gas pumps. Ill not forget my feeling at that moment it was very horrible.
After two years I engaged to my cousin Nasser. He was living in Jordan. I Travelled to Jordan and continue my studying in a peaceful university which is Jerash University. After the graduation I worked as an English teacher in a private school after a year I worked at unrwa School. I taught students form the 1st grade to 10th grade. 


  1. Wow, what a great letter! I am proud to have you with us Sara.

  2. dear Sara,
    thank u for sharing this with us. I cannot wait to meet you, and i feel blessed to have the chance to.

  3. ٍSara I'm really really proud that you are my colleague and friend at school. Sara is a counselor as well. Thanks a lot my dear for giving all your bits of sacred seconds to your students! And thanks for being patient with my disruptive students whom i refer to u ...
