
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


My answer to the first question of the first assignment

I have asked myself those questions and more in many intervals of my life, sometimes I came with mind relieving answers and many times, I just got more confused. "It shouldn’t be that hard," I often told myself. I first thought of my nature as a human when I looked in the mirror. Of course, we look at ourselves everyday in the mirror, but that one time was different for me. When I smiled, I asked myself "is this the way others perceive me". I even started to talk to see how I look; it seemed like meeting another guy for the first time. After that I started to ask myself more questions; "why are we different from each other?", "what does it mean to have a perception of reality?", even more "what's reality?" what if the bullet didn’t miss my father's head by just inches in the war of 1967?"(as he told me) would I be existed?!!"
What about the poor sheep we buy every year for scarification. "What makes me more special than it to be slaughtered!!!?" is it merely luck?" ,"why should we obey the king?" "Why didn’t I become the king myself? "Don’t get me wrong "", "Is it enough to be a son of a king to become one?" my father is an electrician and I came up to be a teacher!!!.
More than that, I often thought that we are naturally bad, coz we do sins; even worse we love to do them. Bad things are easy to do and they seem less restricting than good ones, but most important, they seem natural, for instance: we were born naked, why is nudity prohibited?

I used my logic and all my senses to answer those questions. Unfortunately, questions that are more sophisticated came to the surface, Questions like:  what is the meaning of being existed? Why did God create us? What is the nature of God? I even asked myself "not atheistically"   If God existed at all.
Addressing such questions needs lots of thinking. But lets just cut to the chase!. People have been thinking about it all the time, some said that we are good in nature coz babies are born innocent (tabula rasa theory), others examined criminals brains to provide evidence that criminals have a lower level of communication between the two hemispheres of the brain which is inferred  that some are born bad. While others claimed that the things we perceive exist others disagreed. Some are (believers) others aren't. Many people defend animals claiming that they have feelings and a certain level of thinking, those people might favor their pets over his own flesh and blood, and others torture animals just for the fun of it. 
When I think of such problematic issues, whether I like it or not, I end up where I should have started the first place " GOD". The first thought the might come to ones mind that God Existence contradicts with mere logic, since we "know" that it's a law of nature that matter is not created from nothing. But is God a matter? If not, what's the nature of God. Since my tools are my senses and logic I started to use them. So I've carried out probability calculations: what are the odds of God's existence and ours as well?
1. Big bang theory. "Where did the thing that banged came from?!!
2. Merely coincident. "No comment"

3. God has created us and his almighty is the first and the last "Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; [1] Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; [2] He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; [3] And there is none like unto Him". [4] ( 112 Monotheism surah) and he is the creator of all things and all matter, thus it would be complete unjust to subdue the creator to his creation (mind and senses, our earthy laws and someone's law of matter).
":Who created the seven heavens one above another; you see no incongruity in the creation of the Beneficent Allah; then look again, can you see any non-uniqueness?  (Qur’an 67:03)
 Furthermore, I believe that no matter how humans glorify the power of their brains, it still short to get the meaning of life, existence, truth of reality and the purpose of life as a whole. The first two contradict with our logic and senses since we attribute the virtue of creation to nothing or we deny attributing it to Almighty Allah. Everything in this Universe is a manifestation of God's creation; everything is unique for a purpose that only God overwhelm the ULTIMATE truth and reality about. "Did ye then think that We had created you in jest, and that ye would not be brought back to Us (for account)?"(23:115)

The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said:

"Each one of you will find it easy to do what he was created for."

That is the context I understand my existence, everyone's existence and the universe's as well. We are here to worship God, that is to do good for others and ourselves and the universe as a whole. It is with purpose that God has created animals, stones, plants, volcanoes, seas, planets, and certainly humanity. Everything is integrated in this universe in an accurate equilibrium based on needs and the ultimate need one must seek is God's satisfaction. I certainly have an effect on my environment and vice versa. I am a part of all that I have met.  ~Alfred Lord Tennyson
Based on the above-mentioned argument, I can see clearly that the existence of my students is out of purpose and they certainly have needs. My job is to dig deep into their other needs (playing, acceptance, comfort, humor and many others) in order to enhance the need which I am mostly concerned about; which is, "their need to learn". It is my job and purpose in this context to be familiar with social, psychological, cultural background of my students. It is also my responsibility to have my eyes quite open to distinguish special needs among them and to give suitable guidance that flow smoothly with their age needs. My existence as a teacher is all about providing the appropriate learning tools for students to discover the world and choose what best suits them.

Sultan Awwad  


  1. very interesting answer sultan
    i really like the citation from the Holy Qra'n
    i'll read ur answer again to discuss some issues
    good luck


  2. good postulation and argumentation ,Sultan.You are reminding me of the story of Hayy bin Yaqdan contemplating ,wondering and pondering about himself and all that is around .I myself still ask questions like Why people speak different languages? What is the first language in the world? What is LAD(language acquisition device)that Chomsky brags about?In fact,Sultan ,there are questions that we can answer, but there are many others that still boggle our minds. Inquisitiveness and exploration led Edison to come up with over athousand inventions,and Newton to come up with the Gravity theory.
    Interesting!I'm impressed,Sultan !

  3. Psychology is the study of the mind, partly via the study of behavior, grounded in science.[1][2] Its immediate goal is to understand individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases.[3][4] For many, the ultimate goal of psychology is to benefit society.[5][6] In this field, a professional practitioner or researcher is called a psychologist, and can be classified as a social scientist, behavioral scientist, or cognitive scientist. Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in individual and social behavior, while also exploring the physiological and neurobiological processes that underlie certain functions and behaviors.

    Psychologists explore such concepts as perception, cognition, attention, emotion, phenomenology, motivation, brain functioning, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships. Some, especially depth psychologists, also consider the unconscious mind.a Psychologists employ empirical methods to infer causal and correlational relationships between psychosocial variables. In addition, or in opposition, to employing empirical and deductive methods, some—especially clinical and counseling psychologists—at times rely upon symbolic interpretation and other inductive techniques. Psychology incorporates research from the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities, such as philosophy.

    While psychological knowledge is often applied to the assessment and treatment of mental health problems, it is also applied to understanding and solving problems in many different spheres of human activity. The majority of psychologists are involved in some kind of therapeutic role, practicing in clinical, counseling, or school settings. Many do scientific research on a wide range of topics related to mental processes and behavior, and typically work in university psychology departments or teach in other academic settings. Some are employed in industrial and organizational settings, or in other areas[7] such as human development and aging, sports, health, and the media, as well as in criminal justice and other aspects of law.

  4. Osama and Tahani thanks!!!
    I never realized that this article resembled "Hayy bin Yaqdan"!! However, I guess your right in every sense of the word. I like your approximation of the issue!!
    I guess all of us resemble this character in a way or another, yet in different versions!!
    Asking questions and trying to answer them an innate human need, but to consider human mind is the ultimate source of knowledge is a ludicrous of hyperbole.
    Can't wait to have a discussion with you Tahani!!
