
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Teacher's Diary

Teacher’s Diary!
I never thought I would keep things in the memory of a diary, a blog or even any other place other than mind and heart but when you feel like your mind and heart are dancing and filled with joy and happiness you may feel like you want to share some (or many) with the world.
In my diary (as a student) I had some memorable teachers shining like stars who always lightened my way. Now I am a Teacher and I never thought I would be one but I really like it. Making change in the world has been always a dream, and teaching was the magical key to open this door and let the dreams come true.
I think we all pass through this experience every day. When we teach a lesson, teach a love or even a moral. We feel satisfied when students reflect us in the best way and the more challenging it is the more satisfied we are.
Today* I had one of my best days as a Teacher, I felt like I’m a student again when my headmistress told me that my educational supervisor (specialist?) will attend my class. I believed it would be a good class and it really was for me and for HER. But what really made me happy is the very nice way she expressed her comments and the very caring way she gave the instructions and advices.
What added more to this special day is the visit of my EP tutor whose smile and gentleness lightened that dimmed picture of supervision and made it alive again.
Not to forget the great atmosphere of courage and support from the management and colleagues.
It really works like a cycle, you pass this J to me and I pass it J  to them and they pass it J to the world. This is how it dances in my heat now. Let us feel happy and spread happiness so we can get it back (retrieve it) with greater amount and then store it in our minds and hearts.
Now I am wondering where to keep this ; In my diary as student or as a teacher?
Thank you Ms. Ghada and Mr. Bassam for being my teachers : )


* 19 DEC, 2011


  1. Dear Alaa,
    Again, I cannot come close to describing how proud I am of you and of your students. I was sitting there, watching you ( the teacher and her students) interacting, and I was thinking of the future each of these young ladies will have, and your influence on that, I could tell that that influence will be great. You have certainly started your role in shaping their minds and most likely their futures, our tomorrow. I pray for all of you since you all are part of my great responsibility.
    Way to go Alaa, and always remember that we are to a great extent what our teachers made us to be, help your students become who they want to be, how they deserve to be:)

  2. Thanks for the nice topic , Ala'.In fact , we are lucky to have such supervisors .

  3. Nice topic Ala's .We are lucky to have such supervisors .

  4. Nice work, Alaa! This IS what it is all about. We are magnets to the universe, and what we give does come back. It is a beautiful cycle! And, yes, one of the most amazing feelings is when you know you have made a difference in someone's life, and you are doing just that. Good for you!!

  5. I like what you write
    well done

  6. well done Alaa.I like what you write

  7. some teachers like the sun give you a real light and others like moon give you fake light and shadow.
    ibrahim al aloul

  8. Each one standing in front of himself and seen the same Retrieved of his memories, what do you remember? I am a teacher I can remember is what is presented to the generations that have gone? What we will answer??

  9. OMG, I have just read your words :)

    Thank you all for your kind comments. and Ibrahim, sure we do have the "moon" teachers and that's why we have to be the "sun" ones, but without burning ourselves ;)
