
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Monday, December 26, 2011

A post from teacher Maisa' Abdel Qader from Jersh Camp

I still remember the first day I started teaching English for children at school, I was anxious, nervous but most of thing I was relactant. I hated teaching, especially  for children and in a very different society but when I started to surf the net & to look for new resuorces  such as songs, worksheets, games and many different ideas that I can use in classroom, I became more and more capable to teach perfectly..A nother important thing happened when I started to teach the first grade a very interesting experience started. I believe that the main gift I have when the parents came and tell me that I am such a good teacher as their kids are very, very good in English. A nother important role is the supervisor's role to encourage and motivate teachers and the challenge to to be better .


  1. Thanks Maisa for sharing.... something to consider!!!
    i invite our supervisors to share their experience with us by writing a post! we always appreciate their support, and knowing more about their duties and worries would certainly help us to support them back:)

  2. Children push and force you to match their needs, they didn't know how, where, and when ,so you managed their needs so fast, and got the advantages, what's the matter if a teacher stays 20 years without matching it.
    why our student sometime eat their pencil?
    when we cannot understand them.
    Yaser Athreh

  3. Another important thing Maisa that helps us to improve and gain more knowledge is applying peer coaching in our schools. We are teachers in the same school and we work as a team. We cooperate, exchange experiences, meet, share ideas and support each other to implement new strategies. We surf the net searching for new educational games. We also open our classes for our colleagues especially the new ones because we believe that staff development will directly affect students learning.
    Fatima Ramadan
