
Disclaimer - We are a very dedicated and passionate group of people coming together in a workshop experience to improve our teaching and the lives of our students. The opinions we express here are our own, and not necessarily those of the institutions supporting us! Thank you for understanding.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

My Inspiration

I still remember the day I first came to Jerash Camp as a new teacher eight years ago. I didn't expect what I found as I never visited it before. As the car came nearer and nearer,I could recognize the small tin-board-covered houses, I thought that working in such a camp is ( jehad). I was very sad when I saw the poor little girls  as they didn't have their rights as children, Children in  other places live better than those in Jerash Camp. Poverty and diseases were easy things to notice. But as I taught them year after a year I can say now that inspite of all the challanges they have to face ,you can find very talented and skilfil girls who want to learn, improve gain knowledge and to shape a better future.....
These are the beautiful flowers that inspires me to go on............


  1. Well Fatima, you have just reminded me of the very first time I entered an UNRWA school. That was when I was first appointed as a teacher with UNRWA , never before. I cannot come close to describing my feelings and the shock of entering a camp for the first time. BUT as you said, I thought if I wanted to make a difference, then Allah SWT has sent me to the right place.
    There is a lot of suffering in these little kids lives, I am counting on teachers like you to take their hands, inspire them, and I know they have some great talents. I have seen that many times in many places, your classroom is one example.
    keep up the good work, and remember, we have children that we want the best for, let's give what we want to get back.
    May Allah bless you and your students.
    I am very proud of you all.

  2. i said before in this blog that i never wanted to be a teacher because all my life in school was about giving teachers a headache! when i first became a teacher i got little bit perplexed. students were checking me the way we used yo check new teachers for any sign of weakness! i got my share of headache the first year!! after all "an eye for an eye".
    anyway, i feel really blessed to be a teacher!

  3. I really miss those days of teaching..I miss the party-like classes i had with my students..I didn't have such experiences when i was a teacher( the academy), though, i believe that all of us could make the best of it...
    Yes, we do have a responsibility upon our poor students...we have to work hard ..
    Thank you Fatima for sharing one of your earlier memories.You reminded me of the most challenging days i had when i first entered an UNRWA school.Those days which i now consider to be the best i ever had...

  4. When I first came to do my duty as a teacher and found frustration in the hearts of many of the teachers in particular, its effect on the psyche of the students asked why all .... I took the mitigation on the students approached them and develop the relationship to get close to them and try to instill a love of science and clarified them to easy life that we can facilitate and simplify I tried many times until I got to my goal Those steps encouraged me more of my love for my work and am always enthusiastic and ready.

  5. I am very happy for the very positive attitude in the new generation of teachers, messengers of change Insha'llah :)

    Good luck Fatima, and I am happy for meeting you :) and working with you as well.
    two minds = three

  6. Whenever my students leave to high schools and join universities, I get proud of them! When I think of how this will help them and their families, I would say that’s what might be rewarded for in the afterlife!
    Majd, who is a great accountant, was praised for being one of the best EFL learner and an UNRWA graduate as well. Mariam, who is a medicine student, says that it is difficult but not impossible …thanks to the good English language that we’ve got! ? Isra’, who’s now a housewife, says “u know, I’m the dictionary of the whole family. If my sisters wants any thing while reviewing for their kids, they call me!” Still, I would say to them, I’m still learning! Thanks Michael, there will be more and more examples like these and I hope you and I and all the teachers may be rewarded Jannah in return! And what is more- God’s satisfaction !
